Become a sponsor!

We make sure that HOREMI receives 100% of the dona­tions. We can person­ally attest to the fact that they make a big differ­ence on the ground. As a small private orga­ni­za­tion (non-profit asso­ci­a­tion), we have the great advan­tage that we know all those involved on the ground person­ally and were able to see the progress for ourselves in Uganda. We are in close contact with those respon­sible and they keep us constantly up to date. This means that we at “Friends of HOREMI” can always rejoice in the fact that together we are really making a differ­ence.        

Would you like to be part of it? Whether you choose a quick one-off dona­tion via Paypal or long-term monthly support by bank transfer — HOREMI is happy to receive liter­ally every euro (or Uganda shilling, which is the local currency).

Two pieces of good news first: Thanks to the help of HOREMI spon­sors, the basic living condi­tions for Kelvin, Shukran (pictured) and their 30 or so HOREMI siblings have improved signif­i­cantly in recent months.

Basic neces­si­ties, such as food and clothing, wages for helpers and school fees for the older kids, are now much more securely financed than just a few months ago. And thanks to the great will­ing­ness to donate, espe­cially before Christmas, we were able to build our own school, which is so impor­tant. That’s great, thank you very much!

Despite this progress, the living condi­tions of HOREMI chil­dren are still precar­ious. The diet is very simple and consists mainly of carbo­hy­drates that make them full. The chil­dren live from hand to mouth, there are hardly any reserves for emer­gen­cies such as illnesses, acci­dents, droughts, floods etc. There is no regular health care. There is no elec­tricity. There is no running water. There is still a lot to do.

Health. Water. Electricity.

With a donation of

you finance:

regular health care

a reliable local water supply

the development of a photovoltaic infrastructure

Together we can make the children’s lives easier

Promote health: Help to ensure that malaria medica­tion and mosquito nets, worm cures and water disin­fec­tion, vita­mins and vacci­na­tions, educa­tion and medical visits are avail­able.

Let there be light: HOREMI has no access to the public power supply. In order to bring elec­tricity and light to the orphanage and the school, a suffi­ciently large photo­voltaic system is needed. This invest­ment would be incon­ceiv­able without our help.

Water march: Water canis­ters weighing up to 25 kilo­grams have to be dragged around 200 meters and more than 300 house­holds are crowded around a bore­hole next to HOREMI. A second well near the orphanage would relieve the burden on all of them, but is not feasible with our own resources.

Preparing the ground: HOREMI would like to expand the existing, modest agri­cul­ture for self-suffi­ciency and as a source of income. However, the neces­sary funds for land, labor and adapted seeds are unfor­tu­nately (still) lacking.

Educa­tion, educa­tion, educa­tion: The path to a better and self-deter­mined future begins at the school door. That is why the founders of HOREMI are doing every­thing they can to provide their protégés and the chil­dren from the surrounding commu­ni­ties with a high-quality and afford­able school educa­tion. We are doing our best to support HOREMI and invite you to join us.

Sponsorships: A future for a handful of Euros

Chil­dren fetching water

With a monthly spon­sor­ship contri­bu­tion, you can support HOREMI orphans, needy school­children from a neigh­boring village and the (often under­paid) teachers. Each spon­sor­ship always bene­fits the entire group.

Teacher spon­sor­ship: With just 40 euros per month, you can finance half of a teacher’s salary and thus help to keep the school running.

Student spon­sor­ship: With just 10 euros per month, you pay the school fees and daily lunch of a village child from a very poor family — with 20 or xx euros accord­ingly for two or more chil­dren.

Child spon­sor­ship: 40 euros per month cover the basic needs of an orphan child for food, clothing, accom­mo­da­tion, school.

More info about sponsorship?

Spon­sor­ships are the most sustain­able form of help, as they have a long-term effect and there­fore offer impor­tant plan­ning secu­rity. If you are inter­ested, you can find more infor­ma­tion in the FAQ. Spon­sor­ships can also be arranged indi­vid­u­ally, please contact us for specific arrange­ments:

Since Uganda is not exactly around the corner finan­cially, money trans­fers are unfor­tu­nately not quite as simple as in the western area. Bank trans­fers are slow and expen­sive, HOREMI cannot process credit card payments, PayPal is not widely avail­able in Uganda and is also quite expen­sive.

PayPal or credit card to

The Friends of HOREMI there­fore offer a comfort­able and secure way of payment via our (German) PayPal* account: You donate to us via Paypal or debit/credit card to, we forward your dona­tion to HOREMI using transfer services like Worl­dRemit or Wise (see below).

Bank transfer or transfer service

Within the EU, it is best to use this account:

Account holder: Friends of HOREMI e.V.
Bank: Kreiss­parkasse Ludwigs­burg
IBAN: DE90 6045 0050 0030 2456 46
Purpose: HOREMI + (free entry)

If you would like to donate directly to HOREMI via bank transfer or transfer service, please use these bank details:

Account Holder: Hope and Rescue Missions Inter­na­tional
Bank: Post Bank Uganda
Account Number: 2110 0270 00673
P.O Box 100294, Iganga

We use and recom­mend the transfer service providers or These services are reputable, fast and rela­tively cheap (fee depends on country). However, you need to create an account for it. As an alter­na­tive, please consider the way described above via our German PayPal account.

* Note: PayPal charges fees on which we have no influ­ence. There­fore, your dona­tion will not reach us in full. Alter­na­tively, you can donate to us by bank transfer, please see above.

    Whichever way you choose: Thank you — your help will reach the kids!

    Tell your friends!