Welcome to the friends of HOREMI!

A tin roof over their heads, a warm meal a day, regular school atten­dance: For  nearly all of the many orphans in Uganda, this “luxury” is unat­tain­able. More than eight years ago, a woman in the east of the country said to herself, “This can’t be.” With not much more than her two hands, she started an initia­tive that today provides for around 30 orphans under the name HOREMI.

HOREMI: Help, hope and perspective

HOREMI (Hope and Rescue Missions Inter­na­tional) is a small, privately orga­nized relief initia­tive in eastern Uganda, that provides orphans and other vulner­able or disad­van­taged chil­dren with the basic neces­si­ties of life: housing, food, water, clothing and access to school.

The orga­ni­za­tion was founded in 2015 with the goal of helping the growing number of orphans, street chil­dren and kids living with HIV/AIDS. Founder Naume Naigaga and former protégé Kenneth Kabweru, along with local helpers, care for about 30 chil­dren, most of them between 6 and 14 years old. The elderly, sick and help­less people in the commu­nity are also supported within the limits of the modest means. A real heart project and “game changer” is currently the own newly opened school, which would not exist without dona­tions.

HOREMI and all its social projects rely almost exclu­sively on private dona­tions, liter­ally every penny helps. Uganda is one of the poorest coun­tries in the world, there is no state welfare in our western sense. But there is us, the “Friends of HOREMI”.

Friends of HOREMI: Teamwork makes the dream work!

We, the Friends of HOREMI, are a handful of private spon­sors with very different (travel) connec­tions to Uganda, respec­tively the conti­nent of Africa. In mid-2023, we decided to further expand our support for HOREMI, to found a non-profit orga­ni­za­tion (done!) and thus find many new friends for Yobu, Bumali, Eliz­a­beth and all the other kids at HOREMI.

Our goal is to increase and stabilise the flow of dona­tions in order to enable a certain degree of plan­ning secu­rity. Only with a reli­able income does HOREMI have the chance to help sustain­ably and to build up resources of its own through agri­cul­tural activ­i­ties or the like. And the help arrives: Every euro alle­vi­ates the need and notice­ably improves the diffi­cult living situ­a­tion on the ground.

Our next steps:

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