Visiting our friends from HOREMI

At the end of March, the board of our small char­i­table organ­i­sa­tion — Stefanie, Karin and Stefan — visited HOREMI in Uganda for around a week. We still have to sort out the impres­sions, expe­ri­ences (and photos) we gath­ered, but here is a first brief update for all those inter­ested. Detailed infor­ma­tion, pictures and videos will follow in the next few weeks.

  • Our short summary: Wow. What the founder Naume and Kenneth, her former protégé and current head of the facility, have achieved with their team has far exceeded our expec­ta­tions.
  • Kenneth and Naume are working system­at­i­cally and purpose­fully towards their vision for HOREMI: giving chil­dren a chance. By giving them a digni­fied start in life and a good educa­tion according to their indi­vidual abil­i­ties.
  • This plan is pursued with incred­ible energy, confi­dence, tenacity, compe­tence and joy. Our spon­sor­ships and dona­tions work every day and fulfill their purpose 100%.  
  • The expan­sion of the school is progressing prag­mat­i­cally and every euro donated is quickly put to good use. The class­rooms are currently being plas­tered on the inside at the weekend, while work continues on the outside during the week (at school time). 
  • Lessons in six class levels (three pre-school, three elemen­tary school) are underway. Around 80 chil­dren, including 10 from the HOREMI orphanage, are already sitting on the self-made school desks.
  • The educa­tional goals are ambi­tious and the curricula for the various classes are devel­oped with high stan­dards and great care. Kenneth in partic­ular knows from his own expe­ri­ence how impor­tant a good educa­tion is and does every­thing he can to bring the school up to a top level.
  • Thanks to our spon­sor­ships, the orphanage, the nucleus of HOREMI, can offer the 30 or so kids a digni­fied and child-friendly life by Ugandan stan­dards. Even if we often had to adjust our Western ideas in the face of reality. There is no elec­tricity on site, no running water, beds are shared. And the diet (lots of maize, a little rice, some beans or cabbage and some­times 10 grams of meat) is aimed solely to fill the belly. So there is still a lot to do.  
  • The most impor­tant thing is that the chil­dren are doing well. They are safe, cared for, healthy, social, active, inter­ested, friendly and usually very happy!

Ossibi otya — Hello HOREMI!

Disci­pline and atten­tion prevail in the class­room. Unless a “mzungu” (white person) turns up with his camera.

Home­work done?

The chil­dren had never heard of fris­bees before. Good thing we had ten of them in our luggage.

The skip­ping rope we brought was tested exten­sively straight away.

Good fellow­ship between young and old, boys and girls, Muslims and Chris­tians.

Little wheel­chair user Bumali is looked after by his HOREMI siblings.

The note­books brought along are put to use imme­di­ately.

Queuing for a simple meal: even the kids from the surrounding area who can’t afford school fees or lunch at least get a cup of porridge.

Some of the water fetching is done by the chil­dren. The bore­hole is around 200 meters away from HOREMI and is used by the whole commu­nity.

Drinking water dispenser in Uganda: anyone who is thirsty scoops a cup from the large clay jug.

Fresh fruit from the market: a welcome but rare vari­a­tion for the chil­dren.

Lunch together with the friends from Germany: rice with cabbage and an extra piece of sweet potato for the guests — and a fork.

Good advice is not always expen­sive.

This is the HOREMI spirit: from zero to school in three months. Construc­tion starts at the end of October, school starts at the end of January. Go, HOREMI!

Successes and Challenges

Three more spon­sor­ships were taken on during our stay alone. One of our most impor­tant goals — to provide every child with a spon­sor­ship and thus the foun­da­tion for a start in life — has there­fore almost been achieved. Zamu, Samuel, Olivia, Ajan and Shukran do not yet have a sponsor.

A major chal­lenge for HOREMI is financing the day-to-day running of the school: teachers’ salaries, school mate­rials, exam­i­na­tion fees, lunch, support staff such as the “water man” and much more need to be paid every month. Currently, school fees only cover part of these fixed costs. One reason for this is that HOREMI also enables very poor fami­lies to attend school. They pay no or only very low fees. Secondly, the school is still brand new and fami­lies with better finan­cial means still have to be won over by the high quality of the school and the corre­sponding word-of-mouth adver­tising. This will take time and our support.

The Ugandan HOREMI team would like to say a huge thank you to all our supporters, friends, donors and spon­sors. We have expe­ri­enced much joy and grat­i­tude every day in Uganda and are happy to pass this on here. Thank you very much!

Please help now so that HOREMI can ensure the basic care of their protégés. Your dona­tion helps, thank you!

May we inform you about life at HOREMI from time to time? Then please send us a short e‑mail to

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