One year of HOREMI Junior School!

The Horemi Junior School has success­fully completed its first year — and eleven kids have mastered pre-school with flying colors. That’s some­thing to cele­brate!

It’s unbe­liev­able what has happened at HOREMI in the first school year! A new school building was constructed within just a few months. At the begin­ning of 2024, seven teachers were hired and over 80 chil­dren were admitted. Inspec­tors from the author­i­ties have already offi­cially confirmed several times that they received a first-class educa­tion during their first three terms at HOREMI.

The head of the local educa­tion authority is also a guest at the “Speech day” and full of praise for the new HOREMI school.

If that’s not a good reason to cele­brate the first successful year of HOREMI Junior School with parents, neigh­bors and many other people from the district! So Naume, Kenneth and their team joined forces and orga­nized a “Speech Day” within a few days, sending out invi­ta­tions, writing speeches and orga­nizing food. This day also offered a unique oppor­tu­nity to make even more parents aware of HOREMI and its work and to recruit more pupils for the next school year.

The eleven little preschool grad­u­ates sing for the audi­ence.

Another festive occa­sion: eleven chil­dren success­fully completed preschool in December 2024, four of whom come from the HOREMI orphanage. They have there­fore mastered the first steps of their school educa­tion with flying colors and are well deserving of a small reward. That’s why the kids — each dressed in a borrowed offi­cial robe — received lots of praise, recog­ni­tion and small gifts. A good moti­va­tion for the start of the first primary school class next year. We wish them all luck and success — and HOREMI that even more kids will be able to lay solid foun­da­tions for a secure future in its “Junior School” in 2025.

Eleven chil­dren received a small, deli­cious gift as a reward for their hard work at preschool.

And who made all this possible? Our loyal donors and spon­sors! A big thank you from all of us!

Please help now so that HOREMI can ensure the basic care of their protégés. Your dona­tion helps, thank you!

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